An international scientific conference on “Green growth and sustainable development” was held at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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On April 4,an international scientific conference on “Green growth and sustainable development” was held in the Central Scientific Library of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciencesş

The event was jointly organized by the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Physics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Institute of Physiology named after academician Abdulla Garayev.

President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Academician Isa Habibbayli opened the conference with his opening speech and reminded that 2024 was declared “The Year of Solidarity for  a Green World” in our country by the relevant decree of the head of the country. He spoke about the work done in Azerbaijan in the direction of protection of the ecological balance and environment, effective use of alternative energy sources, as well as prevention of climate change.

He noted that President Ilham Aliyev not only achieved the development of Azerbaijan as a powerful energy state during his tenure, but also  he fully ensured the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country and created new historical realities with his leadership thanks to his determination and iron will

Stating that the 29th Session of the Conference of parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 29) will be held in our country, academician Isa Habibbayli said that the holding of such an important event in Baku is connected not only with the high trust of the global community to Azerbaijan, but also with important services in this field. He also said that COP29 will be an event which contributes greatly to the development of “green energy”in the world and the protection of the environment.

In addition his saying “right now  the term “green economy” represents one of the major components of development of humanity at the global level”,  the President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences also noted that concepts such as “green world”, climate changes, “green energy” are the goal of our scientists to carry out research in modern scientific directions in accordance with the challenges of the new era. He noted that wide discussions on these issues were held last month at the conference on “Let’s protect our green world” jointly organized by the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies of the Ministry of Science and Education. Academician Isa Habibbeyli emphasized the importance of scientific reports of  scientists of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciencess at COP29.

Then, Mahir Aliyev, who is a coordinator of the United Nations Environment Program for the European region, made a speech on “Green world: new development prospects”.

Saying that Azerbaijan hosted many historically important international events during the period of independence, he also emphasized that the holding of COP29 in our country in 2024 demonstrate Azerbaijan’s growing influence in the international sphere.

It was noted that the COP (Conference of the Parties) is a body which was established in Berlin, Germany in March 1995 in order to make supreme decisions on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The mission of the COP is to monitor the implementation of the requirements and recommendations arising from the convention. These requirements are mainly to slow down the pace of global warming, support the adaptation of areas affected by global warming, and achieve zero emissions by 2050.

Mahir Aliyev stressed that COP29’s being an important event attended by representatives of organizations specializing in Environmental Protection, ecology, “green energy”. He said that as a result of holding the event in the “Year of Solidarity for a  Green World”Azerbaijan will be able to convey its most positive sides to the world.

Acting first vice-president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences academician Arif Hashimov, chairman of the National Assembly Health Committee academician Ahliman Amiraslanov, rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the president of the Republic of Azerbaijan  academician Urkhan Alakbarov, General Director of the Oil and Gas Institute of the Ministry of Science and Education Academician Fakhraddin Gadirov, Rector of Mingachevir State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Shahin Bayramov spoke and noted the importance of the event.

It was stated that the decision to hold COP29 in Baku also demonstrates global support for Azerbaijan’s “green energy” policy. Accordingly, last year on December 25  President Ilham Aliyev signed an order “to declare 2024 the year of solidarity for a Green world in Azerbaijan “in order to strengthen international solidarity in the global fight against climate change.

According to the decree, one of the five national priorities for socio-economic development of Azerbaijan until 2030 is defined as “A country of clean environment and green growth” and, in accordance with that priority, issues such as improving the environment, restoring and increasing greenery, and ensuring the efficient use of Water Resources and sustainable energy sources are stressed. Moreover, the document includes key priorities such as the sustainable development of a competitive economy, the transition of the country to a country of clean environment and green growth. At the end, discussions were held on the topic.