A meeting with "Scientists of Tomorrow" was held at MSU

  • Post category:Trainings

Mingachevir State University (MSU) held a meeting with Mingachevir schoolchildren who will participate in the XIII Republic Competition "Scientists of Tomorrow" organized by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other relevant institutions. The members of the 9 teams of Mingachevir that passed the preliminary stage of the competition and their mentor teachers met with a group of academic-administrative staff members of the university at a meeting held on the basis of the joint initiative of the MSU and the Central Aran Regional Education Department of the Education sector of the city of Mingachevir.

At the meeting held in the Cybersecurity and GEOLAB laboratories of the university, the head of the Department of Science and Innovation of Moscow State University, Associate Professor Vugar Mustafayev congratulated the students on reaching the final stage of the “Scientists of Tomorrow” competition and wished them success on behalf of the administration. He noted that the purpose of this meeting is to arouse enthusiasm among schoolchildren and make them feel the constant support of the city's educational community for talented youth. V. Mustafayev noted that Mingachevir schoolchildren occupy a special place in the education system, spoke about the importance of such competitions in terms of revealing their creative potential and noted that MSU is always ready to support the development of schoolchildren. He noted that encouraging students in grades IX-XI to engage in research and research activities, using the conditions created for teenagers to stimulate their scientific and creative activities, and being active in creative endeavors will show positive results in their future activities.

After the opening speech, a test experiment was held in the "GEOLAB" laboratory and the participants were informed about the results.

Schoolchildren presented the projects they prepared for the competition, and at the end there was an exchange of ideas.

The students and their mentors expressed their gratitude for the attention and support.

It should be noted that the 13th Republican Competition "Tomorrow's Scientists" aims to identify talented students with a tendency to scientific research in 8 areas (mathematics, physics and astronomy, chemistry, biology, medicine and health, ecology and environmental management, engineering, computer science). Azerbaijani schoolchildren who have achieved high scientific and research results will be sent to the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) held in the United States.