Mingachevir school students observed the practical process in the laboratories of Mingachevir State University (MSU)

  • Post category:NEWS

Since February 2024, the “Meeting with Schoolchildren” project, organized jointly by the Sustainable Development and Regional Innovations Research Center (SDRIRC) of Mingachevir State University (MSU) and the Mingachevir City Education Department, has been successfully ongoing.

As part of the project, conducted within the framework of the “Year of Solidarity for a Green World,” a group of students from Mingachevir Secondary School No. 19 visited MSU on May 15. The meeting, organized by the Department of Physics and Ecology, allowed the students to observe hands-on experiments in MSU’s Geolab and Chemistry laboratories. They received extensive information about the laboratories and the equipment available there.

Under the guidance of MSU teachers Aytac Cavadova and Lalə Rəsulova, the students conducted various experiments and tests. In the Geolab laboratory, experiments were conducted using different water samples, while in the Chemistry laboratory, the “ECOZone” device was used to monitor the interaction of three environments, checking parameters such as oxygen concentration, carbon dioxide levels, and dissolved oxygen in water.

The meeting was warmly received by the students, who had the opportunity to ask questions, which were answered by the instructors.

It should be noted that various events are being organized in Mingachevir throughout the “Year of Solidarity for a Green World.”