GEOLAB laboratory was opened at Mingachevir State University

  • Post category:Projects

The opening ceremony of the GEOLAB laboratory was held at Mingachevir State University (MSU), which was a partner of this higher education institution, and was created within the framework of the Erasmus+ project "New courses on geospatial engineering for adaptation of coastal ecosystems to climate change - GEOCLIC".

Leaders and specialists of "Azerbaijan Thermal Power Station" LLC, "Mingachevir Hydro Power Station" LLC, Regional Ecology and Natural Resources Department No. 8, Mingachevir City Municipality and other institutions, as well as a group of academic and administrative staff members of MSU participated in the opening of the laboratory.

The guests got acquainted with the conditions created in the laboratory. It was reported that the creation of a laboratory equipped with 20 modern devices and equipment is aimed at improving the content of teaching in “Ecology”, “Ecological engineering”, “Energy engineering” and other engineering specialties and raising the quality of personnel training. The laboratory will be used for teaching a number of subjects related to ecology and will contribute to the development of students’ practical skills.

Noting that one of the main goals is to become a university of the new era based on sustainable development, Shahin Bayramov, rector of MSU, spoke about the importance of such laboratories in the modernization of teaching, research and innovation activities carried out in the university. Expressing his gratitude to everyone who contributed and supported the establishment of the laboratory, the rector invited the employees, students and graduate students to actively benefit from the opportunities created.

Then, faculty and student staff members demonstrated the capabilities of the lab in a hands-on manner on various test cases.

Acquaintance with the laboratory aroused great interest of the participants.