The scientific-theoretical conference of masters dedicated to “Science Day” within the framework of “Year of Solidarity for a Green World” has started at MSU

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On March 29, 2024, the VI scientific-theoretical conference dedicated to the “Science Day” of  masters was held at Mingachevir State University (MSU) within the framework of  “Year of Solidarity for a Green World”.

First, the dear memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev and our heroic martyrs who died for the Motherland was commemorated with a minute of silence and the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played.

Rector of MSU Shahin Bayramov greeted the participants at the opening of the conference and congratulated the university staff on the occasion of Science Day and wished them success in their scientific activities.

Talking about the attention and care shown to science and its development in the country, the rector empahsized that as a higher education institution, result-oriented scientific research occupies an important place in the activities carried out at MSU. He noted that the expansion of scientific research, increasing the efficiency of scientific activity and increasing the number of articles published in prestigious scientific publications is one of the major priorities of the modernizing MSU. Giving attention to the holding of this conference within the framework of the “Year of Solidarity for a Green World”, Shahin  Bayramov expressed his hope that the research conducted in this direction will benefit science and our country, and wished success to the work of the conference.

Then, in line with the program of the conference, the reports of the master students were heard at the plenary session.

MSU master students Farida Rahimli “The path to victory from a successful idea-political upbringing”, Javid Khanjanli “”Green economy” factors in the development of financial stability of enterprises in the modern era”, Gulustan Gasimova “The role of artificial intelligence in the optimization of energy systems”, Chinara Mehraliyeva “The harmonious intersection of folklore and nature” and its teaching in secondary schools”, Laman Aliyeva “Possibilities of using foreign investments in the revival of the Karabakh region”, Solmaz Vazirova “The role of using active learning methods in the modern education process”, Ali Oruclu “Transition to “green energy” in the world: realities, perspectives in Azerbaijan” and Muhammed Khalilov made reports on “Contributions that environmental funds can make to the “Year of Solidarity for a Green World”.

After the speeches, rector Shahin Bayramov shared his views on the topics and made some suggestions.

The conference continued its work in 7 sections (Humanities; pedagogy and languages; mathematics and Computer Science; Energy and transport; information technologies and Ecology; Economics; Business Management). It should be noted that within the framework of the “year of solidarity for the Green World” various  events are being carried out at MSU.